Local is Good

Last weekend I attended Boston's first annual Local Food Festival. What a fantastic festival. When 50,000 people turn out for something like this, you know there is a change for the better coming. There was something for everyone, from excellent tofu and seaweed products to BBQ ribs, composting, butter making, farm stands and even a very educational meat butchering demo by Providence Chef Matt Jennings. One thing I liked after tasting all the great food was that I did not have to carry my used disposable fork in my pocket until I found a recycle bin. The festivals mission was zero waste, plenty of compost and recycle bins and volunteers to help you with what goes where. I can't wait until the next one.
I also discovered many amazing local food products that I hope to share with my clients, use on my cook dates and in my recipes.
Speaking of local foods, I have two huge bags of fresh picked apples in my kitchen. This afternoon, my personal local canning festival continues. Canning is fun!